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The Study of A Long Distance Relationship

text for The Study of A Long Distance Relationship, typewritten text on paper, old family photo frame, 32.5 x 27.5 x 1.5 cm, 2020

photo: Tempat Ketsomboon

LDR - Mountain and Sun
colored pencil on paper, 151 x 81 x 3 cm, 2020

LDR - Moving Mountain no.1
saw dust, wood, metal, oil and pencil on canvas, size variable, 2020
LDR - Green Depth Map
oil on canvas, paper collage, pencil, 100 x 100 cm, 2021

LDR - Mountain Scroll
oil and pencil on canvas, 425.5 x 43 cm, 2021
LDR - Through Space and Time
colored pencil on paper, wood, photo frame, 102 x 67 x 1.8 cm, 2020
LDR - Bedscape
a set of 4 photos, IKEA shelf, photo frames, 190 x 18.3 x 26 cm, 1 editions+ artist proof, 2021 
LDR - Terra Incognita
oil on linen. drawing on paper, paper collage, wood cornice, 222 x 158.5 x 1 cm, 2021

LDR - Stereogram
silkscreen print by The Archivist, photo frame, 60 x 43 cm, 25 editions+2 artist proof, 2021

oil, pencil, paper collage on canvas, a set of 9 paintings (40.5 x 30 cm each), 2010

The Study of A Long Distance Relationship
tiger balm, glass bowl, wood, IKEA shelf, ceramic tiles, typewritten text on paper, photo frame, paper maché, size variable, 2021

LDR - Road to Mountain
drawing on paper, oil and pencil on canvas, 70 x 100. x 2 cm, 2021
LDR - Moving Mountain no.2
drawing on graph paper, leather paint, old sofa, wheels, size variable, 2021
LDR - Family Portraits
oil and color pencil on paper, photo frame, IKEA shelf, 249 x 97 x 30 cm, 2021

LDR - Moving Mountain no.2
drawing on graph paper, leather paint, old sofa, wheels, size variable, 2021

LDR - Family Portraits
oil and color pencil on paper, photo frame, IKEA shelf, 249 x 97 x 30 cm, 2021
LDR - Greeneries
acrylic, oil and paper on canvas, 100 x 50 x 4 cm, 2021

LDR - Fridge Magnets
pencil drawing on paper, paper clay, magnets, acrylic, size variable, 2020

LDR - Pink
model tree, pencil on paper, photo frame, paper clay, 18.7 x 16 x 2 cm, 2021
LDR- Untitled

LDR - Orange Depth Map
oil patinting on canvas, paper collage, 70 x 100 cm, 70 x 100 cm, diptych, 2021